About Me

CV: OLD v2.0

Work Experience

October 2017 to December 2017 - SG Sistemas de Automação Ltda
Internship as a software developer using the C++ programming language and Qt.

Academic Background

March 2018 to July 2020 - Universidade Federal de Minas Gerais
Researching the problem of Token Swapping on on specific graph classes and proposing new integer linear models for this same problem. Participated in the Academic Excellence Program scholarship (PROEX - CAPES) from March 2019 to March 2020.

Advisor: Vinícius Fernandes dos Santos
Co-advisor: Sebastián Urrutia

February 2012 to January 2017 - Universidade Estadual de Maringá
Researched the effects of static and dynamic code analyzers on the quality of optimizations in a scientific initiation program (PIC).

Advisor: Anderson Faustino da Silva


HackBrazil (2017)

HackBrazil was a (in the time) one month long hackathon that our team of three, with the project InVisum, a prototype for a large scale database syncronization and processing system, got to the top 5 projects, presenting them in Boston at the Brazil Conference. Brazil Conference is a annual conference realized at Harvard and MIT to promote discussion between brazilian leaders and representatives of Brazil’s diversity.

Hackerspace Maringá (2013 - Today)

“Hackerspaces are community-operated physical places, where people share their interest in tinkering with technology, meet and work on their projects, and learn from each other.” (hackerspaces.org)

I am one of the co-founders of the hackerspace in the city of Maringa - Paraná. I was the vice-president for one year and president of the organization for almost three years. This resulted in a thriving laboratory with many projects involving gesture processing, robot creation, Internet of Things and courses of programming and robotics open for all.


Programming Contests

Participated in the following editions of the regional’s of the ACM International Collegiate Programming Contest: 2014, 2015, 2016 and 2017. Also, I participated in the related training program in the State University of Maringá to improve my programming abilities in C++.


I was invited as a speaker about Hackerspaces and the field of Computer Science in the following events: Latin American Free Hardware Forum in 2015 (A sub event of the bigger LATINOWARE), opening week of freshman’s in the course of civil engineering (2017) and the opening week of freshman’s in the course of electrical engineering (2017).


During the years, I helped many courses come to life. Some only as a organizer, some as the speaker. Here is a list:

Teacher Assistant

I had a teacher assistant scholarship in the classes of Architecture and Organization of Computers (2014) for one semester and Formal Languages and Automatons (2015 - 2016) for four semesters during the undergraduation in UEM. In UFMG, I was teacher assistant in the graduation class of Project and Analysis of Algorithms (2018) for students in masters and PhD.

Google Summer of Code 2019 - KDE

Collaborated to the ROCS Graph Theory IDE, under the mentoring of Tomaz Canabrava and Adriaan de Groot. More information in here.

Season of KDE 2019

Mentor of two students in the annual KDE outreach program.

LAGOS 2019

Participated as a volunteer in the organization of the X Latin and American Algorithms, Graphs and Optimization Symposium (LAGOS) in the city of Belo Horizonte, Brazil. LAGOS is one of the best latino-american symposiums in the field of theoretical algorithms, graph theory and optimization. Funded by CAPES, CNPQ and UFMG.

Google Summer of Code 2020 - KDE

Mentoring one student for the ROCS graph theory IDE. More information in here.



In January 2014 to February 2014 I traveled to Toronto, Canada to study English in Kaplan, an international preparatory school for university and exams, where got my certificate on the B2 English level.

Portuguese (Brazil)



Write, read and speak well. Got 110/120 in the TOEFL iBT (2017).


June 2020
Integer Linear Programming Models for Sequential and Parallel Token Swaps in Graphs
LII Simpósio Brasileiro de Pesquisa Operacional (SBPO)

May 2020
Enhancing the Jikes RVM Adaptive Optimization System
IEEE Latina

March 2019
Pinhão: An Auto-tunning System for Compiler Optimization Guided by Hot Functions
Journal of Universal Computer Science

September 2018
Enfield: An OpenQASM Compiler
IX Congresso Brasileiro de Software (Second Best Paper Award)

October 2016
A Design Space Exploration of Compiler Optimizations Guided by Hot Functions
International Conference of the Chilean Computer Science Society